
by Kyan Mulji Apr 04, 2022

Nyumba Ya Tumaini

Current Challenges

Food: With a capacity 0f 26 children, its been quite a challenge to offer a balanced diet. The ever rising food prices have made it hard for us to meet the monthly food budget.

Education: School and college fees has been hard to come by, we have hard to suspend some of our educational support to some of our beneficiaries.

Rent: This has been the most challenging. We have been unable to consistently pay the rent, this has led to accumulation of rent arrears.

Medical: The nature of our beneficiaries is such that most have abused drugs while on the streets. Their rehabilitation requires that we also engage health facilities for detoxification, other will have serious skin infections, others have undergone trauma and various abuses while on the streets and require counselling and other health intervention measures.

Clothes: Mostly depend on well wishers to donate clothes, shoes etc mostly used clothes.

Home tracing: Our core work is to reconnect those that we rescue from the streets back to their families and communities after successful rehabilitation. This involves lots of travelling to far distances that require huge sums.

Stationeries for our rehabilitation programs.

Warm Regards,

Nymba Ya Tumaini Team