Current Challenges

  • Food

    The home has a capacity of 26 children and it is quite a challenge to offer all a balanced diet. With the existing high cost of living and ever rising food prices it is very hard for the home to meet its monthly food budget. In absence of resources, the boys are many times fed with the bare minimum required.

  • Education

    Whilst we make every effort reaching out to well-wishers for support for the school and college fees, it has been extremely challenging especially in the last two years due to the global effect of the Covid Pandemic. We have thus had to suspend the provision of schooling to some of our beneficiaries.

  • Rent

    This has been the most challenging. We have been unable to consistently pay the rent, which has led to accumulation of rent arrears.

  • Medical

    The nature of our beneficiaries is such that most have abused drugs while on the streets. Their rehabilitation requires that we also engage health facilities for detoxification, other will have serious skin infections, others have undergone trauma and various abuses while on the streets and require counselling and other health intervention measures.

  • Clothes

    We mostly depend on well-wishers who donate used clothes, shoes etc to assist our beneficiaries with decent clothing.

  • Home Tracing

    Our core work is to reconnect those that we rescue from the streets back to their families and communities after successful rehabilitation. This involves lots of travelling to far distances that require significant amount of money.

  • Stationary

    Stationery such as books, pens, pencils and other such items are required for our rehabilitation programs

How You Can Help ?

  • We Accept donation of used items

    If you have any items that you feel would benefit the home, we are more than willing to accept it.

  • We Accept Monetary Donations

    Any amount donated is appreciated, We accept Donations in forms of Cash, Cheque, MPESA(Mobile Money) and Bank Transfer.

  • How can you donate from outside Kenya ?

    The easiest way is using Mpesa